CRACKYL Magazine Issue No. 12 (Winter 2024) | Page 8

As firefighters , we need to pay close attention to how the years impact our health . With each year we add to our experience , it becomes more crucial to make wise health decisions .
Retiring healthy , with a sound mind and a body still in one piece , should be our ultimate goal . When we leave the fire service our unofficial retirement package will include the satisfaction of serving others and the memories of bonding with our fellow firefighters in that service – we don ' t want that package to be loaded down with mental and physical scars .
There is enough literature out there to substantiate all arguments for investing in our health . Staying in tune with the latest firefighting techniques and skills , safety protocols and training doesn ’ t mean leaving the good ole days behind . It means understanding the benefits of adapting to change and staying up-to-date .
Take a moment to think about how you started , where you are now , and how you want to end your time in the fire service . Having a positive mindset is crucial , and so is seeking support when needed . Gone are the days of suffering in silence : we are smarter now .
It ’ s important to remember that our fire service careers are not just jobs – they are vocations that require dedication and sacrifice . Dedicate yourself to being a student of health and wellness , and sacrifice the short-term wants for the long-term needs .
By prioritizing our health , we can ensure that we have the physical and mental resilience to serve our communities effectively and enjoy a prosperous and fulfilling life beyond our firefighting years .
Almost two-thirds of the firefighters battling fires today will be diagnosed with cancer . The Firefighter Cancer Support Network is taking on that battle . It provides one-on-one assistance to these firefighters and their families , and it delivers extensive cancer awareness and prevention training nationwide . FCSN ’ s goal is to become a global leader in firefighter cancer support , awareness and education . FCSN provides meaningful contributions by assisting firefighters and EMS providers diagnosed with cancer , as well as their immediate families , with a range of exceptional support services , making a huge impact on our nation ’ s heroes battling cancer . CRACKYL is a proud partner and supporter of this nonprofit organization , its initiatives and its mission to mitigate the impact cancer has on the fire service .
The inspiration behind the name CRACKYL comes from a feeling firefighters experience in the middle of a structure fire when a sudden calm comes over you and you hear a fire crackling all around a smoke-filled room , but can ’ t see it . The sound of a fire crackling is imprinted on every firefighter ’ s mind , and it roots us in this exhilarating and unpredictable profession . We want CRACKYL to become a sounding board for firefighters throughout their careers .
Firefighters are notorious for sitting around the firehouse , discussing their problems and offering advice . But the truth is , many of us don ’ t have the answers . We don ’ t know why we all fight about the same problems with our partners , never seem to have enough money left at the end of the month , and just can ’ t get along with the co-workers who are the most like us . At CRACKYL , we want to be the firefighter in the station who has a lot of those answers and provides accurate , practical , and life-changing solutions to the problems we all face .