CRACKYL Magazine Issue No. 12 (Winter 2024) | Page 23

So when should one way of thinking prevail over the other ?
So when should one way of thinking prevail over the other ?
When should logic and reason take the lead or when should emotion drive the car ? There are no rules that work 100 % of the time , but there are some general guidelines to follow .

When to Listen to Your Head

When to Listen to Your HEART

Making important decisions
When you ' re faced with a significant decision — like choosing a career , buying a house or deciding on a major life change — it ' s crucial to use your logical thinking . Consider the pros and cons , gather information and make an informed decision .
Choosing a life partner
When deciding on a life partner , emotions and intuition should play a significant role . It ' s crucial to have compatibility on various levels and longterm compatibility should be evaluated ( as a divorced person , I can assure you this cannot be overstated ).
Financial planning
Safety and risk assessment
Long-term planning
Conflict resolution
Learning and education
Legal and ethical dilemmas
Managing your finances requires rational decision-making . Create budgets , save , invest and make financial decisions based on your financial goals and current circumstances .
When assessing risks , especially those related to personal safety or health , it ' s essential to rely on your head . Evaluate the potential dangers and take necessary precautions .
Planning for the future , such as retirement or education , should be based on careful consideration of your goals , resources and time frames .
When dealing with conflicts or disagreements , rational communication and problem-solving are often more effective than emotional reactions .
In academic or professional settings , logical thinking and reasoning are essential for learning and understanding complex topics .
When faced with these , it ' s important to consider the consequences of your actions and make choices based on principles and laws .
Career and passion
Moral and ethical decisions
Creativity and artistic endeavors
Personal growth
Empathy and compassion
Pursuing a career or path that aligns with your passions and interests can lead to greater fulfillment and success . If you ' re passionate about something and it ' s feasible , following your heart in this regard can be a rewarding choice .
In situations where ethical or moral values are at stake , your heart can provide a compass . Your conscience often guides you in making choices that align with your core values and principles .
For artists , writers , musicians and creatives , listening to your heart can enhance the authenticity and depth of your work . Creative expression often flows from the heart and emotions .
Understanding your desires , fears , and inner motivations can help you make choices that promote personal growth and well-being .
These come from the heart . Listening to your heart can help you connect with people on a deeper level , offer support and make a positive impact in their lives .
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