CRA Today Winter Issue 2024 | Page 39

marketing matters
Ding , click , swipe , beep — our phones and computers create a buzz of sounds as we text , like , share , open , delete .
It is easy for a marketing message to get lost in the proverbial noise of today ’ s digital landscape . Yet communicating with customers is an essential part of your business .
In a world that is pulling consumers ’ attentions in every direction , it ’ s important to stand out in a way that reminds your customers who you are , where you are and why you are in business — to point people to Jesus through the products you carry .
How do you make sure your message is heard ? While communicating with customers has changed over the years , some things have stayed the same . Direct mail marketing still has the biggest reach and highest response rate . And catalog mailings are one of the best ways to reach the greatest number of customers at the lowest cost with the biggest impact .

Catalogs serve as a bridge that connects the heart of your store to the home of your customers

Catalogs serve as a bridge that connects the heart of your store to the home of your customers . They communicate your store ’ s mission by highlighting the types of faithbased materials you offer . A catalog is a meaningful marketing tool that amplifies your purpose and reach .
A catalog is also a tangible reminder with a long marketing life . Emails can pop into your customers ’ inbox one minute and be gone the next . Yet a catalog may stay in your customers ’ homes for weeks , where they can thumb through it at their leisure . Additionally , time-sensitive promotions and coupons are incentives to get them into your store .
Who do you mail to ? According to Lorraine Valk , owner of Parable Christian Store of St . Joseph , the two main purposes of marketing are engaging with existing customers and acquiring new customers . “ Each of these require a different type of marketing ,” Lorraine says . “ Direct mail ( catalogs with coupons ) works the best with my existing clients — the return on investment is high .”
When regular customers receive a catalog and shop in her store , Lorraine says it ’ s easy to keep them engaged . She helps them find promoted items , double checks their address in the system and gives them a coupon for
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