CRA Today Winter Issue 2024 | Page 35

tech & trends
There have been some strange trends throughout history — things like pagers , pet rocks , pogs and platform shoes . Although they can be short lived , trends are often followed by a large group of people , sometimes even entire generations . Knowing today ’ s trends will help you better understand your customers and what they are looking for .
According to an article from ARC , an imaging and graphic production service provider , three of the top retail interior trends for 2024 are sustainable products , adaptive store layouts and personalization . 1 These trends can easily be implemented in a Christian retail store .
candles , lotions and bath bombs is a customer favorite . “ Some of these companies also support charities or are sustainable ,” Donna says . “ So that is a good selling point in addition to the beauty or quality of the product .”
A few years ago , Krista Ferguson of Willamette Valley Christian Supply started carrying The Naked Bee , which includes lotions , lip balms and other body care products . It has become a popular item in their store , and they continue to expand the line as guests ask for more items . As a bonus , it supports a “ Save the Bees ” pollinator project , offering customers free wildflower seeds , which is “ just another draw ,” Krista says .

As a business and a ministry , your store is more than just a place to sell products

Adaptive Store Layouts
As a business and a ministry , your store is more than just a place to sell products . Does the layout of your store reflect that ? Create a multifunctional space that allows room for customers to experience connection and encouragement through author signings , book clubs , craft nights , small business expos or local markets .
Sustainable Products
Sustainable products are a way of life for some people . They are products that align with their values and therefore influence purchasing decisions . These are things you may already carry in your store , such as tote bags , water bottles and coffee cups . Consider grouping these items together in a display or adding a label to denote products that are eco-friendly .
When thinking of sustainable products , you might also think of consumable products like soaps , lotions , candles and cosmetics . At Dove Christian Supply in Dothan , AL , Donna McCollough says Inis Fragrances of Ireland and San Francisco Soap Company do well in her store . Also , Bridgewater Candle Company ’ s “ Sweet Grace ” line of continued on page 36 >>
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