CRA Today Winter Issue 2024 | Page 17

tech & trends

In with theNew

Adding Touches of Technology

There ’ s something almost magical about an old bookstore that transports you to another time and place . As you step inside , the bell on the door announces your arrival . Wooden shelves filled with books are like worlds of possibilities waiting to be explored . Even the musty smell creates a sense of nostalgia . You feel like you ’ ve become a part of something important — like the store itself has a story to tell .
In the movie You ’ ve Got Mail , The Shop Around the Corner is everything a bookstore should be — charming and personal , a place where people gather , memories are made and stories are literally told . But if you ’ ve seen the movie , you know how that story goes . Sadly , the more modern bookstore chain puts the old bookstore out of business .
In today ’ s retail landscape , there is room for both the old and the new . With the barrage of digital advancements , people are often looking for an escape . But there is something to be said for technology . Who doesn ’ t love electricity and running water ?
Your bookstore can be the best of both worlds . It can be a place that is warm and inviting , but with modern conveniences for today ’ s shoppers . continued on page 18 >>
www . christianretailassociation . org / CRA today 17