Growing Pains
My neighbor has a gardenia bush that always blooms this time of year . I love catching the scent of it whenever I step into or out of my house .
When it comes to gardening , I have a brown thumb . I ’ ve been known to kill a cactus or two . That ’ s why I am grateful for Jesus ’ words in John 15 . I ’ m glad to know that in the life of a believer , being fruitful has nothing to do with my abilities . I can cease from striving and instead keep abiding in Him . Anything good that my life produces is not from me , it ’ s from God . That ’ s comforting .
But tucked away in that chapter is a verse that is not so comforting to me . In John 15:2 , Jesus says , “ Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away ; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes , that it may bear more fruit .” Ouch ! I don ’ t know much about gardening , but I do know what is involved in pruning .
Pruning is painful , but it ’ s also purposeful . God prunes those who are already bearing fruit . But He does it to make us more fruitful . God prunes us to remove sinful habits , like fear , complacency and pride , which hinder our growth . And He prunes us in different ways . Often , God uses times of change or challenging situations .
In our industry , we also experience these growing pains . We have seen the way changes in technology affect people ’ s buying decisions or the challenges of boosting revenue during slow selling seasons . The articles in this edition of CRA Today address topics such as AI , social media and e-commerce as well as ideas to help you prepare for the slower summer months . But rather than opposing these changes , you ’ ll see how they can actually be opportunities for growth . As you read through this magazine , we hope you ’ ll pick up a few new tools that you can use to grow your business and ministry and ultimately further the gospel !
Ask God to show you if there is something you can do differently that would help you to be more fruitful — personally and professionally . It might be uncomfortable at first . But God is more concerned with our character than our comfort . He prunes us for our good and His glory — to make us more fruitful . It ’ s all part of the growing pains .
Sincerely ,
Andrea Stock
EDITOR : Andrea Stock CREATIVE DIRECTOR : Mike Solava ADVERTISING : Christy Dollins ACCOUNTING : Brooke Koroknay
BOARD MEMBERS : Jon Curtiss Christy Dollins Les Jones Dennis Lovvorn Rachel Savage
Donna Baker Karen Bilbrey Autumn Brown Teresia Bruce Tim Davis Joel Evans Alyssa Fabik Kirk Ford Becky Gorczyca
CONTRIBUTORS Mike Huffstuttler Ann Kardos Andrea Lovvorn Linda Evans Shepherd Danny Tager Marie Underwood Karen Welch Charlene Wiggs
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