Activities for FY 20 / 21
In the past , this area was referred to as the Riverwalk Boardwalk or Westmoreland Park Project . The City ’ s Communication Team developed naming / branding for this area based on public input , followed by City Council approval . The overall area is now known as The Port District , with numerous internal destinations such as the Boardwalk , Botanical Gardens , Dining Docks , Event Lawn , Historic Homes , the Preserve , and Pioneer Park . In 2020 Brothers ’ Construction completed construction of the Boardwalk that spanned from the Banyan Tree up to and connecting with Bridge Plaza . In addition , Brothers ’ Construction contract was amended to include the construction of the “ Southern Segment ” of the Boardwalk ( adjacent to the Preserve ) and anticipates completion of same by the end of 2020 . The City continued to pursue other restaurants for this site , and this area will be developed as a pad-ready site with the overall site improvements . It will be utilized as outdoor dining area and will be known as Dining Docks until a restaurant has been identified . In 2020 , City Council approved the overall WOW Playground design concept , to be known as Pioneer Park . Also in September , the City entered into a lease agreement with the Port St . Lucie Historical Society for the Historic Peacock Structures . Once renovated , the Society will utilize the Lodge as a museum to tell the story of the City ’ s history and will have meeting and office space available . The City initiated efforts for the Master Planning of the entire Port District . This activity involved several opportunities for public input , with a design concept presented to and adopted by City Council at their Summer Retreat in July 2021 .