Living with lung cancer has changed my life in many ways. Even simple tasks like climbing stairs can be a challenge. I live alone, and everyday chores have become challenging. My energy is low, and I can no longer engage in athletic activities, such as riding my bike along the river or camping. I will also be unable to continue with my retirement plans of traveling for 2–3 months a year because of my two-year immunotherapy treatment plan.
Being a lung cancer ambassador is important to me because I believe no one should get lung cancer from radon if it can be prevented. I wish all Canadians knew the importance of getting their homes tested for radon before it’s too late. If sharing my story helps just one family avoid what I’m going through, it will have been worth it. I would like to see the government protect citizens by making radon testing mandatory and providing relief to families so everyone can live in healthier environments.
If more people knew about the dangers of radon exposure and took action, much suffering could be prevented. I can’t stress enough how important organizations like Lung Saskatchewan are. They provide resources and support that many don’t even realize are available. I didn’t know until I needed them, and I’m incredibly grateful for their help.
If there’s one thing I hope you take away from my story, it’s this: prevention is everything. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Take care of your health, your home, and your loved ones. We all have the power to make a difference. Testing your home for radon is a simple step that could save lives.
To purchase a radon test kit or learn more about radon, visit
Use code CR3 for $5 off your radon test.