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Radioactive radon ( 222 Rn ) exposure is an indoor air environmental carcinogen that is among the most prevalent non-tobacco causes of lung cancer , alongside 2.5-micron particulate matter ( PM 2 . 5 ) air pollutants , arsenic metalloids , and severe lung inflammation from infectious disease and / or silicate exposure 1 – 11 . The inhalation of gaseous radon and its solid radioactive progeny increases the relative lifetime risk of lung cancer by emitting alpha particle radiation that damages lung epithelial cell DNA , raising the likelihood of cancer-causing genetic mutations 12 – 16 . Radioactivity from decaying radon ( and radon progeny ) in indoor air is measured in Becquerels ( Bq ), equating with one alpha particle emission per second , per cubic metre ( m 3 ) of air , with a total of four alpha particle emissions occurring as 222 Rn decays into stable 210 Pb over time 16 . For large populations , there is a 16 % increase in relative lifetime risk of lung cancer per 100 Bq / m 3 of radon exposure that , based on the documented activity pattern of a typical North American adult , equates to an absorbed dose of ~ 4 millisieverts ( mSv ) per year ( mSv / y ) of particle radiation 17 – 21 . Understanding excess radon exposure is important because a substantial number of people diagnosed with lung cancer that do not meet current inclusion criteria for early
� Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology , Robson DNA Science Centre , Arnie Charbonneau Cancer
Institute , Cumming School of Medicine , University of Calgary , Calgary , AB , Canada . � Department of Oncology , Arnie Charbonneau Cancer Institute , Cumming School of Medicine , University of Calgary , Calgary , AB , Canada . � Department of Earth , Energy and Environment , Faculty of Science , University of Calgary , Calgary , AB , Canada . � School of Architecture , Planning , and Landscape , University of Calgary , Calgary , AB , Canada . �� These authors contributed equally : Selim M . Khan and Dustin D . Pearson . * email : jmtaron @ ucalgary . ca ; a . goodarzi @ ucalgary . ca
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