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The 2001 National Human Activity Pattern Study demonstrated that the typical , late twentieth century North American adult spent ~ 69 % of life ( 6018 h / y ) inside a residential building , and ~ 87 % of life indoors generally 1 . The percentage of life split between a primary residence (‘ at home ’), different residential properties , non-resi-dential buildings ( e . g ., offices , schools , hotels , factories , shopping centres , etc .), vehicles ( cars , buses , trains , etc .), or outside is largely a function of behaviours that differ by age , health status , job type , and other personal and lifestyle variables , and can change seasonally or over a lifetime . Behaviourally driven activity patterns are important determinants of health , since the amount of time that people spend within different buildings determines the duration of exposure to numerous indoor- and outdoorenvironmental toxicants that modify disease risk . This is very important in the case of indoor air quality , which can vary substantially between buildings but is generally an unavoidable exposure of occupying ( i . e ., breathing in ) an environment . One of the most prevalent and lethal human diseases driven by exposure to indoor air toxicants is lung cancer , which currently underlies 1 in 4 cancer-related deaths in North America and Europe . In addition to tobacco smoke , lung cancer risk is a function of exposure to carcinogenic triggers such as radioactive radon gas , particulate matter air pollution , arsenic , and asbestos , as well as modifiers such as history of inflammatory lung disease ( including pneumonia , tuberculosis , emphysema ), diet , fitness , and / or genetics 2 – 4 .
Robson DNA Science Centre , Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , Charbonneau Cancer Institute , Cumming School of Medicine , University of Calgary , Calgary , AB , Canada . � Department of Oncology , Charbonneau Cancer Institute , Cumming School of Medicine , University of Calgary , Calgary , AB , Canada . � Glacier Communications , Inc ., Calgary , AB , Canada . �
British Columbia Centre for Disease Control , British Columbia Cancer , School of Population and Public Health , University of British Columbia , Vancouver , BC , Canada . �� These authors contributed equally : Natasha L . Cholowsky and Myra J . Chen .
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