C-6-100 Conducting Radon Surveys in Schools ( CERTI-330 )
Author : CERTI Staff , Technical Advisor , and Lead Instructor , Doug Kladder . Title : “ Conducting Radon Surveys in Schools ” Article date
: Summer of 2024 . Updated 2024 version
This 2024 course , C-6-100 , provides both the radon professional or a facility environmental manager the skills to plan , conduct and or evaluate a radon survey in a school . It also details the reasons radon can be a problem within a school such thatt often simple solutions can be found . Applies to schools and commercial buildings
. Conducting a radon survey in a school is a little different than testing a home . In addition to thermal stack effect a building ’ s heating ventilation and air conditioning system ( HVAC ) complicates the situation by being able to either reduce indoor radon or increasee it if not properly maintained . Add to that varying operating conditions that exist when a building is occupied versus unoccupied make the interpretation of measurements an interesting , but not overwhelming challengee – If done correctly .
This course walks through the unique considerations presented by schools as well as a commercial building that has central HVAC systemss . A student completing this course should be able to :
� Plan a radon survey
� Implement a communication plan for staff and parents
� Be able to place and retrieve devices
� Implement a quality assurance and quality control plan
� Interpret the results and determinee appropriate follow-up action
� Develop an initial response plan should elevated levels be found .
This course is designed for radon professionals who wish to conduct radon surveyss well as building managers who may be charged with overseeing such a survey . This course is directed towards both Measurement and Mitigation professionals .
Note for
Iowa Students : This course contains an additional module for Iowa regulatory requirements . Completing the base course plus the Iowa specific module will yield a certificate acceptable to the State of Iowa for individuals to conduct radon surveys in their own school . This course is IA DOH Approved , NRSB Approved , and NRPP
Approved .