Going back to school is an exciting and nervous time for students, parents, and staff. We all want to know our children are in a safe environment so they can focus on learning. Testing for radon is vital to their safety. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommended action level

for radon is 4.0 pCi/L and the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended action level is 2.7 pCi/L. We encourage every parent to ask their child’s school what

their radon levels are and when the last

test was performed.

What does the school need to do if they find high levels of radon are present? If radon levels are elevated there are a few technical strategies to reduce the levels. These three strategies performed by qualified radon professionals are depressurization; filtration; and ventilation

The most common radon mitigation strategy is called depressurization. There are three depressurization techniques: sub-slab, sump-pit, or sub-membrane.

Sub-Slab Depressurization involves drilling one or more penetration points into the concrete foundation floor and attachinga PVC pipe from those points to an in-line radon fan. The radon fan runs 24-7 pulling the radon gas to these extraction points

and exhausts the harmful soil gases up safely outside.

Sump-pit depressurization is just like Sub-Slab depressurization, except the

radon professional utilizes the soil water drainage system and sump pit as the extraction points.

Sub-Membrane Depressurization is used for a dirt crawlspace situation. The crawlspace is encapsulated and sealed with a reinforced plastic liner. The radon professional then connects the radon systems PVC pipe and in-line radon fan to this liner and pulls the radon gas out from under the liner and vents it safely outside.

Filtration of radon’s decay products, also known as Radon Daughters or Progeny, is another effective strategy to protect against radon-induced lung cancer. This technique utilizes a Breathe EZ Air Cleaner that is professionally installed in the central heating and air conditioning system to filter the very small radon decay products as they circulate. This filtration strategy is different because we are not reducing radon levels. We are filtering cancer-causing particles created by the noble gas, radon. The Breathe EZ Air Cleaner filters radon decay products which will reduce your risks of getting lung cancer, and also filters allergens, dust, Viruses, chemicals,

and bacteria.

Ventilation is the third strategy for reducing radon exposure. With this technique, a radon professional installs the Energy Recovery Ventilator(ERV) which efficiently draws in andconditionsthe fresh outside air. The Energy Recovery Ventilator extracts poor indoor air containing radon and exhausts it outdoors, thus replacing poor air with clean air. Ventilation not only reduces radon levels 50 to 75% but also greatly reduces odors and improves overall indoor air quality.

Every building is unique. To select the best radon mitigation strategy, we recommend consulting with the local National Radon Defense dealer. National Radon Defense uses a solution-focused approach to custom design the radon system to improve the indoor air quality of the school, whether that is using depressurization, filtration, ventilation, or a combination of the three.

To find your local National Radon Defense dealer go to or call 888-370-6921.
