Health Effects of PCBs
Heart Disease : PCBs cause an elevated risk of cardiovascular disease 5 , hypertension 6 and diabetes . 7
Hormonal Impacts : PCBs can alter the sex hormone systems , and have been found to lower the age at which a girl reaches puberty 8 and can reduce the levels of the male hormone , testosterone . 9
Asthma : PCBs cause an overall increased risk of asthma and other infectious respiratory diseases . 10 More specifically , children have an increased risk of asthma and other infectious respiratory diseases when exposed to persistent organic pollutants , including PCBs . 11
Birth Weight & Infant Motor Skills : Women who are exposed to PCBs have babies that weigh slightly less than babies from women who have not been exposed . In addition , children born to women who ate PCBcontaminated foods have abnormal responses in tests of infant behavior , including problems with motor skills and a decrease in short-term memory . 12
Ability to Learn : PCBs are associated with cognitive problems and a reduction in the ability to learn and remember . 13 For example , children who are exposed to PCBs before birth through maternal consumption of PCB contaminated fish were found to have a 6.2- point IQ deficit as compared to non-exposed children 14 . Other studies have reported reduced alertness and increased tiredness in association with PCBs . 15
References :
1 . Ward M H , Colt J S , Metayer C , et al . 2009 . Residential Exposure to Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Organochlorine Pesticides and Risk of Childhood Leukemia . Environ . Health Perspect . 117 ( 6 ): 1007-13 .
2 . Weisglas-Kuperus N , Patandin S , Berbers GA ., et al , 2000 . Immunologic effects of background exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls and dioxins in Dutch preschool children . Environ Health Perspect . 108 ( 12 ): 1203 – 7 .
3 . Weisglas-Kuperus , N ., Vreugdenhil , HJ ., Mulder , PG ., 2004 . Immunological effects of environmental exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls and dioxins in Dutch school children . Toxicol . Lett . 149 ( 1-3 ): 281 – 5 .
4 . Schell L M , Gallo M V , Denham M , Ravenscroft J , DeCaprio A P , Carpenter D O . 2008 . Relationship of Thyroid Hormone Levels to Levels of Polychlorinated Biphenyls , Lead , p , p ′ - DDE , and Other Toxicants in Akwesasne Mohawk Youth . Environ Health Perspect . 116 ( 6 ): 806 – 13 .
5 . Goncharov A , Haase R F , Santiago-Rivera A , et al 2008 . High serum PCBs are associated with elevation of serum lipids and cardiovascular disease in a Native American population . Environ Res . 106 ( 2 ): 226-39 .
6 . Goncharov A , Bloom M , Pavuk M , Birman I , Carpenter D . 2010 . Blood pressure and hypertension in relation to levels of serum polychlorinated biphenyls in residents of Anniston , Alabama . J Hypertens 28 ( 10 ): 2053-60 .
7 . Lee D H , Steffes M W , Sjödin A , Jones R S , Needham L L , Jacobs D R Jr . 2010 . Low dose of some persistent organic pollutants predicts type 2 diabetes : a nested case – control study . Environ Health Perspect . 118 ( 9 ): 1235 – 42 .
8 . Denham M , Schell L M , Deane G , et al . 2005 . Relationship of lead , mercury , mirex , dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene , hexachlorobenzene , and polychlorinated biphenyls to timing of menarche among Akwesasne Mohawk girls . Pediatrics 115 ( 2 ): 127-34 .
9 . Goncharov A , Rej R , Negoita S , et al . 2009 . Lower serum testosterone associated with elevated polychlorinated biphenyl concentrations in Native American men . Environ Health Perspect 117:1454- 60 .
10 . Carpenter DO , Ma J , Lessner L . 2008 . Asthma and Infectious Respiratory Disease in Relation to Residence near Hazardous Waste Sites . Ann N Y Acad Sci . 1140 ( 1 ): 201 – 8 .
11 . Ma J , Kouznetsova M , Lessner L , Carpenter D O . 2007 . Asthma and infectious respiratory disease in children – correlation to residence near hazardous waste sites . Paediatr Respir Rev . 8 ( 4 ): 292-8 .
12 . Federal Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry . ToxFAQs for Polychlorinated Biphenyls ( PCBs ). Available from : http :// www . atsdr . cdc . gov / toxfaqs / tf . asp ? id = 140 & tid = 26
13 . Schantz S L , Widholm J J , Rice D C . 2003 . Effects of PCB exposure on neuropsychological function in children . Environ Health Perspect 111 ( 3 ): 357-76 . 14 . Jacobson J L , Jacobson S W . 1996 . Intellectual impairment in children exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls in utero . N Engl J Med 335:783-9 . 15 . Peper M , Klett M , Morgenstern R . 2005 . Neuropsychological effects of chronic low-dose exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls ( PCBs ): a cross-sectional study . Environ Health 4:22 .
CHEJ works with communities on environmental health and justice issues across the country . If you are dealing with a PCB contamination issue in your area or need assistance with approaching local officials , contact CHEJ at 703-237-2249 or chej @ chej . org .
2 Center for Health , Environment & Justice | Mentoring a Movement , Empowering People , Preventing Harm