CR3 News Magazine 2024 VOL 1: JANUARY National Radon Action Month | Page 46

Health Canada says radon levels of 200 becquerels per cubic metre or more are considered unsafe . Carling and some of her neighbours had levels between 460 and 850 becquerels per cubic metre
After that discovery she had a radon mitigation system installed in her basement that removes the gas .
Carling said subsequently , further testing discovered spots outside her home that had unusually high levels of gamma radiation .

Radiation hotspots

The CNSC says a person should not be exposed to more than one millisievert of radiation in a year . But an expert the Canadian Environmental Law Association hired to measure radiation levels at the three homes discovered levels between eight and 15 millisieverts per year .
Carling said the expert found a couple of hotspots on her property where mine waste was used as fill .
" I understand that 60 years ago or so people didn ' t necessarily realize the danger or the extent , but the government and Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission are fully aware of the ramifications of all of that these days ," Carling said .
" And yes , they have a moral duty and obligation to make sure that our homes are safe ."