CR3 News Magazine 2024 VOL 1: JANUARY National Radon Action Month | Page 14

1 . Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . ( 2023 ). Radon and your health . Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . https :// www . cdc . gov / nceh / features / protect-homeradon / index . html #:~: text = Radon % 20is % 20the % 20leading % 20environmental , to % 20the % 20same % 20radon % 20levels .
2 . Turner , M . C ., Krewski , D ., Chen , Y ., Pope , C . A ., 3rd , Gapstur , S ., & Thun , M . J . ( 2011 ). Radon and lung cancer in the American Cancer Society cohort . Cancer epidemiology , biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research , cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology , 20 ( 3 ), 438 – 448 . https :// doi . org / 10.1158 / 1055-9965 . EPI-10-1153
3 . National Service Center for Environmental Publications . ( 1992 ). National residential radon survey : summary report . United States Environmental Protection Agency . https :// nepis . epa . gov / Exe / ZyNET . exe / 910180YH . TXT ? ZyActionD = ZyDocument & Client = EPA & Index = 1991 + Thru + 1994 & Docs =& Query =& Time =& EndTime =& SearchMethod = 1 & T ocRestrict = n & Toc =& TocEntry =& QField =& QFieldYear =& QFieldMonth =& QFieldDay =& Int QFieldOp = 0 & ExtQFieldOp = 0 & XmlQuery =& File = D % 3A % 5Czyfiles % 5CIndex % 20Data % 5C91thru94 % 5CTxt % 5C00000028 % 5C910180YH . txt & User = ANONYMOUS & Password = anonymous & SortMethod = h % 7C- & MaximumDocuments = 1 & FuzzyDegree = 0 & ImageQuality = r75g8 / r75g8 / x150y150g16 / i4 25 & Display = hpfr & DefSeekPage = x & SearchBack = ZyActionL & Back = ZyActionS & BackDes c = Results % 20page & MaximumPages = 1 & ZyEntry = 1 & SeekPage = x & ZyPURL .
4 . Cramer , K . Average cost of radon testing . ( 2023 , August 23 ). Homeguide . https :// homeguide . com / costs / radon-testing-cost #:~: text = an % 20inspection % 20company- , Average % 20cost % 20of % 20radon % 20testing , typically % 20includes % 20professional % 20 lab % 20analysis .