CR3 News Magazine 2023 VOL 5: November Lung Cancer Awareness Month | Page 58

Trends in lung and bronchus cancer
Chances ( probability ) of developing or dying from lung and bronchus cancer

Trends in lung and bronchus cancer

In Canadian men , the rate of new lung and bronchus cancer cases began decreasing in 1990 . In women , the lung and bronchus cancer rate began decreasing in 2013 .
The difference in the rates and trends between the sexes is likely because of differences in tobacco use . More men smoked than women , and men ' s smoking rates began to decline earlier than women ' s smoking rates .
In men , the death rate from lung and bronchus cancer began to level off in the late 1980s and has been declining ever since . The death rate for women increased until 2006 but is now decreasing . The rate of decline in mortality is now comparable between men and women for the first time since 1984 .

Chances ( probability ) of developing or dying from lung and bronchus cancer

It is estimated that about 1 in 15 Canadian men will develop lung and bronchus cancer during their lifetime and 1 in 18 will die from it .
It is estimated that about 1 in 15 Canadian women will develop lung and bronchus cancer during their lifetime and 1 in 20 will die from it .
For more information about cancer statistics , go to Canadian Cancer Statistics .
https :// cancer . ca / en / cancer‐information / cancer‐types / lung / statistics ###