Incidence and mortality
Lung and bronchus cancer statistics
Last medical review : May 2022 Lung and bronchus cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Canada ( excluding non- melanoma skin cancers ). It is the leading cause of death from cancer for both men and women in
Canada .
To provide the most current cancer statistics , statistical methods are used to estimate the number of new cancer cases and deaths until actual data become available .
Incidence and mortality
Incidencee is the total number of new cases of cancer . Mortality is the number of deaths due to cancer . It is estimated that in
2022 :
� 30,000 Canadians will be diagnosed with lung and bronchus cancer . This represents 13 % of all new cancer cases in 20222 .
� 20,700 Canadians will die from lung and bronchus cancer . This represents 24 % of all cancer deaths in 2022 .
� 15,000 men willl be diagnosed with lung and bronchus cancer and 10,600 will die from it .
� 15,000 women will be diagnosed with lung and bronchus cancer and 10,1000 will die from it .
� On average , 82 Canadians will be diagnosed with lung and bronchus cancer every day .
� On average , 57 Canadians will die from lung and bronchus cancer every day .
Estimated Canadian lung and bronchus cancer statistics ( 2022 )
Category Males
New cases
15,000 15,000
10,600 10,100
5-year net survival ( estimates for 2015 to 2017 ) 19 %
26 %