CR3 News Magazine 2023 VOL 5: November Lung Cancer Awareness Month | Page 41

Radon RESEARCH Series

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Understanding radon dose exposure as a function of activity patterns , behaviour and lifestyles

Human behaviour can profoundly impact exposure to environmental toxins that increase cancer risk , and radon gas within residential properties is no exception .
At the most straightforward level , behaviours such as window opening habits and time spent outdoors can drastically alter individuals ' radon exposure ( and thus lung cancer risk ) over a lifetime , irrespective of the latent radon levels in a given property or region . From a radon-induced lung cancer risk reduction perspective , understanding behaviour is as important as understanding radon levels within buildings . However , the impact of inter-individual psychology on different healthseeking behaviours ( that modify radon exposure ) needs to be better understood . As part of the Evict Radon National Study , we are studying how different behaviours concerning radon awareness , testing and mitigation work together to significantly alter residential radon exposure for individuals .
Among people reporting unsafe radon exposure , 35 % mitigated quickly , 31 % displayed delaying behaviour , 28 % reported economic impediments , and 6 % declined action . Radon testing or mitigation-delaying behaviour ( s ) corresponded to significantly increased total excess lung irradiation , which differed by demographics . Those who desired to mitigate their high radon levels but could not do so for economic reasons were generally younger , often with young families . This project has identified a clear need for helping younger individuals ( or anyone of lower socioeconomic status ) to reduce radon , as it is at these younger ages that radon exposure prevention is the most critical .