Jess Lung Health Foundation
I truly enjoy being a part of Right2Survive. It means a great deal to me to be able
to ensure lung cancer patients are having their voices heard and being a part of improving access to screening programs across the country. Witnessing the
screening programs be put into place in Ontario, New Brunswick and British
Columbia has been extremely rewarding. Being able to see our hard work come
to life is amazing. I continue to be inspired daily and have learned much from
the other members and the patients we interact with. Through their inspiration
I continue to raise my voice and advocate for patients across Canada.
Michelle Lung Cancer Canada
Supporting lung cancer patients across Canada is the goal of Lung Cancer Canada and something that I’m personally proud of. Right2Survive gives us all the opportunity to bring to life, our message together with a diverse set of experiences and skills supporting lung cancer patients while urging governments to grasp the needs of lung cancer patients. Seeing the amazing work that all the groups are doing within the Right2Survive coalition always reminds me how important our work at Lung Cancer Canada is to support the lung cancer community. Realizing how governments have listened to our recommendations and heard the lung cancer community has been my proudest moment. Allowing patients voices to be heard and recognized across the country will never get old.
Jackie CCSN
Being a part of Right2Survive means being able to support lung cancer patients to become advocates for the community and I know how important patient advocacy is. This group comes together and supports the lung cancer community by helping to build skills and community, and I am extremely proud of that. Seeing the excellent work that has come out of this group, reminds me that it is possible to make change.
I am inspired to be persistent in my work and never give up when it comes to fighting for the rights of cancer patients across the country. Working together with our patient partners is extremely inspiring to me. Hearing directly from lung cancer patients and getting their input on the work we do is especially meaningful. Without their support, we wouldn’t be able to do the amazing work we do with Right2Survive.
By: Diane Colton, Unmasking the Reality of Lung Cancer October 2023