Environmental factors can include many areas, air pollution, genetic environment, wildfire smoke. Smoking and vaping! Radon is on their radar
as a major concern, as science is continuing to peel back the effects and cross effects radon can and is having. In their messaging bringing to the forefront how radon is an easy fix and can through policy and education be eliminated from the board of what causes and aggravates lung disease. We applaud and commend them on this alliance; the first of its kind and we look forward to seeing more of this in the future.
To follow this initiative and their progress following the hashtag #TakingAction4LungHealth
National Lung Health Alliance in Canada
Alberta Lung
BC Lung Foundation
Lung Health Foundation
Lung SaskI
NB Lung and Association pulmonaire du Québec
Lung Cancer Canada
Asthma Canada
COPD Canada
The Lung Health Foundation has spearheaded the formation of the National Lung Health Alliance (NLHA), a groundbreaking coalition of organizations committed to the urgent improvement of lung health across Canada. On October 17, 2023, this powerful alliance will descend upon Parliament Hill, pressing the government to prioritize the long-neglected issue of lung health, which has suffered from chronic underfunding and insufficient attention.
The National Lung Health Alliance stands as a testament to the unity and shared purpose of various provincial and national associations. Members of NLHA include Alberta Lung, BC Lung Foundation, Lung Health Foundation, Lung NSPEI, Lung Sask, NB Lung and Association pulmonaire du Québec and national members Lung Cancer Canada, Asthma Canada and COPD Canada.