Program Implementation Strategies
State Laws And Policies For Testing Requirements In Schools
Testing for radon is easy , quick , and affordable . In many states , school officials can obtain radon testing devices that staff are then trained to use . Some states require that testing be done by licensed radon professionals . School officials can contact state radon programs to find out about any licensure or other requirements , how-to purchase radon test kits as well as better understand any state-specific requirements and how to find a list of licensed or certified testing professionals .
What To Do If a Building Tests High for Radon
Reducing radon exposure is the first step to reducing health risks . If schools receive test results that are 4.0 pCi / L or higher , the EPA recommends fixing the building through radon mitigation . A radon mitigation system is designed to reduce radon concentrations in the indoor air of a building . The kind of radon mitigation system that is most effective varies depending on the construction and building conditions . Some techniques will prevent radon from entering a building , while others reduce radon levels already in the building . A mitigation system should be installed by a certified or licensed radon mitigation contractor . The cost to install a mitigation system varies . There may be funds available to help schools with testing and mitigation costs from the federal COVID-relief aid allotted to states for spending on schools .
Program Implementation Strategies
There are many resources available to help schools create policies and protocols for radon testing . The EPA offers a comprehensive section on their website called Creating Healthy Indoor Air Quality in Schools , which includes stepby-step actions and strategies that schools can take to create effective indoor air quality management programs . Additionally , this resource offers detailed guidance on radon testing , results interpretation , and mitigation in schools .
There are six key drivers for success that are outlined in this resource which include the following 5 :
1 . Organize for success . 2 . Communicate with everyone , all the time . 3 . Assess your environments continuously . 4 . Plan your short- and long-term activities . 5 . Act to address structural , institutional , and behavioral issues . 6 . Evaluate your results for continuous improvement .
Review this section of the EPA ’ s website Managing Radon in Schools to see how the above key drivers can specifically apply to creating radon testing in schools protocols .
State Laws And Policies For Testing Requirements In Schools
A number of states have created laws and regulations that address radon in schools . Most of them require schools to conduct radon testing or mitigation or to incorporate radon-resistant new construction ( RRNC ) techniques . Others only encourage or facilitate such actions . The Environmental Law Institute synopsized these laws in the 2021 Radon in Schools Overview of State Laws .
Here are two examples of states that have implemented successful radon testing protocols in schools .
• Minnesota – Under Minnesota Statute 123B . 571 , school districts that receive health and safety revenue to conduct radon testing must conduct the testing according to the state ’ s ‘ Radon Testing Plan ’. View the Minnesota Department of Health website to review their complete testing plan , guidance for schools and reporting form .
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