CR3 News Magazine 2023 VOL 3: MAY -- MEDICAL & LEGISLATIVE REVIEW | Page 98

Int . J . Environ . Res . Public Health 2022 , 19 , 3805
In cases where there are rehabilitation works in existing buildings , and the annual radon average is above the reference level , the Spanish building code indicates that the same radon protection measures as those for new buildings have to be applied , depending on how much the reference level is exceeded . The document also describes the procedure to determine the annual radon activity concentration . In particular , the radon measurements must be performed by a radon measuring service , accredited according to the ISO standard 17025 [ 21 ].
The above refers to the examples of Ireland and Spain , but there are also building codes in other EU member states . We have observed that , in many cases , there is a lack of information regarding indoor radon measurements in new buildings ; either such a requirement does not exist in the code or , if it does , the writing is ambiguous .
Financial Tools
In many European countries , financial support for radon measurements , the construction of radon safe homes and the remediation of radon problem homes is limited , and could usefully be increased . Using health economics , such incentives can be shown to be positive for most European societies , from both public health and property value perspectives .
The annex XVIII of the EURATOM BSS 2013 / 59 recommends , in Item 12 , “ where appropriate , provision of financial support for radon surveys and for remedial measures , in particular for private dwellings with very high radon concentrations .”
In Sweden , the government has carried out , for several years , a programme to facilitate radon remediation work on those buildings where radon concentrations were above the national reference level . The programme provided funding up to 50 % of the total cost of the remediation work , with a maximum of EUR 2500 .
The Swedish radon remediation funding was reintroduced on 1st July 2018 . To make use of that funding , the user has to show that the annual reference level in the building has been measured according to the Swedish protocol , and by an ISO 17025 accredited radon measurement service .
There is another issue related to the financial aspects of radon management . In many European countries , there seems to be a shortage of companies involved in the business of the remediation of radon problem houses . This is apparently because the low level of demand for such services has led to low profitability for remediation work , in spite of the fact that the market for radon remediation work in many countries is potentially large enough to make it financially attractive to both radon measurement and remediation companies . If there was more adequate state financial support available for radon measurement and remediation , it can be argued that this should , in principle , help to stimulate increased work opportunities for the radon companies , thereby increasing employment and profitability . In this context , it should be noted that companies involved in radon prevention work on new buildings , required by national building codes , can be quite profitable . The development of more professional and profitable radon companies is , and can be , greatly helped by courses in measurement and remediation .
Banks and other financial institutions in Europe , which provide finance for home purchases or improvements , could be encouraged to include , in their mortgage agreements , a mandatory certification , or verification , that the radon concentration in a property is , or will be , at an acceptable level . In parts of the UK , a radon test is a legal requirement during the completion of conveyancing . A similar approach has been used for some decades in parts of the US , but , up to the present , has had limited use in European countries . As property rights laws in most countries are complex , adopting such a financial / legal approach to the radon problem in homes may be difficult to implement . Finally , it is also important to bear in mind the potential for conflict between radon retrofitting of radon problem houses and energy efficiency regulations . In some cases , strict adherence to energy efficiency requirements may actually cause an increase in radon levels .