CR3 News Magazine 2023 VOL 3: MAY -- MEDICAL & LEGISLATIVE REVIEW | Page 83

reducing the dose from radon . Examples of this are focused reduction in asthma triggers and most recently Covid-19 viruses .
How one would apply these measurements is described within Section 9 of the ANSI / AARST MAH 2019 , Protocol for Conducting Measurements of Radon and Radon Decay Products in Homes . In essence , the protocol requires :
Concurrent radon and radon decay products measurements to allow one to determine the actual percentage of radon decay products rather than to assume a 50 % relationship . Identify aspects of the building that may be reducing radon decay products or increasing radon decay product doses due to higher particulate air counts . Determine if those aspects of the building that reduce radon decay products are likely to be maintained , such as operation of an HVAC system during occupied hours , etc .
So why get upset about inaccurate statements ?
Inaccurate statements inhibit innovative approaches . Many of us are members of a trade association called the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists . Note the emphasis on the word Scientists . One would assume that , as scientists , we would be seeking out new and innovative ways of solving a problem . However , simplified models or inaccurate statements inhibit growth and innovation .
It has been my experience when students contacted me about a very difficult mitigation , that many of them forget what the real objective is , which is to reduce radon related lung cancer to as low as reasonably achievable . Yes , Active Soil Depressurization is a great tool , but it doesn ’ t have to be the only tool , especially when the tools may already exist within a building for reducing radon decay products , but they are unaware of it because they are either unaware of their significance or do not know how to measure radon decay products .
In closing , I am reminded of several conversations with Dr . William Field regarding the research indicating that 2 / 3 of the radon induced lung cancers come from exposures less than 4.0 pCi / L and the only way to reduce exposures further is via radon decay product reductions .
For those who would like to learn more about radon decay measurement and reduction as another tool in quantifying and reducing radon risks , we encourage you to take the following course , approved by both NRPP and NRSB :
C-4-110 – Addressing Radon Decay Products – Another Tool in the Tool Box ( CERTI-324 )
Who says there is nothing new in radon ?
Doug Kladder Technical Consultant to CERTI
[ 1 ] US Department of Housing and Urban Development , Departmental Policy for Addressing Radon in the Environmental Review Process , Notice CPD-21-136 .
[ 2 ] National Research Council , National Academy Press , Health Effects of Exposure to Radon , BEIR VI , 1999 [ 3 ] US EPA , Technical Support Document for the 1992 Citizen ’ s Guide to Radon , EPA 400-R-92-011 , May 1992 .