CR3 News Magazine 2023 VOL 1: JANUARY -- RADON REIMAGINED | Page 63

Key takeaways

The Air Report - Radon 2022 Edition

November 10 , 2022 https :// www . airthings . com / newsroom / air‐report‐radon‐ 2022 ? utm _ term =& utm _ medium = ppc & utm _ source = adwords & utm _ campaign = P + ‐ + Search + ‐ + US + ‐ + Generic & hsa _ grp = 136351297185 & hsa _ ver = 3 & hsa _ mt =& hsa _ cam = 17075312807 & hsa _ tgt = dsa‐ 1659629875358 & hsa _ kw =& hsa _ net = adwords & hsa _ src = s & hsa _ ad = 598972258308 & hsa _ acc = 8596017755 & gclid = EAIaIQobChMIgoSL9NqQ _ AIVRcvICh38qwbeEAAYAiAAEgJYRPD _ BwE
Airthings ' new Air Report focuses on data from tens of thousands of radon monitors across US , Canada , Norway and the U . K . revealing stark radon seasonality and surprising regional behavior .
Exposure to radon gas is the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers 1 , but did you know many people who are at risk of dangerous exposure to this gas aren ' t monitoring it ? The new radon report reveals the air we breathe at home can be contaminated with potential lethal radon gas , seasonal radon spike trends and why you need to continually monitor your home for radon .

Key takeaways

� Radon season takes place between the months of October and February . In the United States , the average radon level increased by 29 % from September 2022 when entering radon season in October 2022 ; In Norway , levels increased by 68 % from August to September 2022 .
� One-third of Canadians surveyed said they were unable to afford radon mitigation services . However , Canadians can make use of 267 libraries across Canada with free radon devices for public use empowering homeowners to test DIY mitigation solutions .
In May of 2022 , the EPA in Ireland publicized that 170,000 homes in Ireland were at risk of high radon levels , not the previous estimate of 45,000 . Over the proceeding two months , Airthings smart radon detection device registrations increased by 28 % on the island .
The average readings for all monitors visible in the U . K . displayed dangerous radon levels of over 4 pCi / L or 150 Bq / m3 in the months of November and January in 2021 and 2022 respectively .