CR3 News Magazine 2022 VOL 4: SEPTEMBER -- RADON AND SCHOOLS | Page 62


Navajo Birth Cohort Study


... continued from page 61.

Subsequently, on July 20, 2016, NNEPA in coordination with U.S. EPA, sent a letter to the Navajo Regional BIA office recommending installation of radon mitigation systems as part of construction of new Cove Day School, which had already been funded back then.

Quintana said her office never heard a response.

Jesse Kass, U.S. EPA remedial project manager, said his team was mobilizing an experienced radiological assessment firm that will collect gamma radiation data inside the main school building and three modular buildings.

Together with NNEPA, they will look at results and make assessments of conditions inside of school and advise stakeholders how to move forward.

Meanwhile, Kass said he believes its “appropriate” that the BIA is moving quickly to clean up the exterior hot spots ahead of construction of a new school, which could pose long-term cancer risk for those who spent a “significant amount of time” near them.

Pinto said the Cove school will remain closed pending completion and results of the surveys and assessments being done by technical advisors.
