CR3 News Magazine 2022 VOL 3: MAY -- MEDICAL | Page 12

don't RISK



Cancer risk factors include exposure to chemicals or other substances, as well as certain behaviors. 

ancer risk factors include exposure to chemicals or other substances, as well as certain behaviors. They also include things people cannot control, like age and family history. A family history of certain cancers can be a sign of a possible inherited cancer syndrome.

(See the 

Hereditary Cancer Syndromes section for more information about inherited genetic mutations that can cause cancer.)

Lung Cancer Foundation

Seventeen Years Later

(See the  Hereditary Cancer Syndromes  section for more information about inherited genetic mutations that can cause cancer.)

Most cancer risk (and protective) factors are initially identified in epidemiology studies. In these studies, scientists look at large groups of people and compare those who develop cancer with those who don’t. These studies may show that the people who develop cancer are more or less likely to behave in certain ways or to be exposed to certain substances than those who do not develop cancer.

of people and compare those who develop cancer with those who don’t. These studies may show that the people who develop cancer are more or less likely to behave in certain ways or to be exposed to certain substances than those who do not develop cancer.

Risk Factors for Cancer - National Cancer Institute