From the Director
An Actor vs A Reactor
# f (eD) >>f (C,R,M)
The previous work of others who acted before us have brought us to our present. We are here because of them.
What it takes to be an actor: An Actor is confident, takes initiative, is clear about what to do, has a plan, sets the mood, constantly learns, generates new things, and spreads a positive word.
The individuals highlighted in this issue are and have been Actors—taking action and caring for others! Actors are researchers, scientists, teachers, doctors, nurses, inventors, advocates, and anyone who desires to improve our environment and health conditions! We can all become Actors, seeing a need and acting on it, and choosing to make a difference. Actors are lovers of wisdom and making a complex problem simple while focusing on the essentials.
By acting, we can become fully alive, removing indifference and complacency. Courage is intricate to becoming an Actor, as is character and integrity. The advancement of knowledge, facts, and history are guides for the Actor.
The last two years have been like a perfect storm with so many facets of restriction and conflict, but we don’t have to be lost in the woods. We can act intentionally--deciding upon our role for the future--instead of becoming a Reactor and enduring a meltdown.
The function of Early Detection (eD) could be greater than >> the function of (Chemotherapy, Radiation and Medication)
The last two years have been like a perfect storm with so many facets of restriction and conflict, but we don’t have to be lost in the woods. We can act intentionally-- deciding upon our role for the future-- instead of becoming a Reactor and enduring a meltdown.