CR3 News Magazine 2022 VOL 2: JANUARY -- BLACK & WOMEN'S HISTORY | Page 4


Lung Cancer Screening for People with Radon Exposure History


From The Director: We are all on a new journey


RADON: Particulate Matter 2.5


Doctors as Trusted Messengers


CANSA: Position Statement on Radon as a Cause of Lung Cancer


How Much Does Lung Cancer Treatment Cost?



Radon Testing Advised for All B.C. Homes to Reduce Cancer Risks.


How We Created the Most Detailed Map Ever of Cancer-Causing Industrial Air Pollution


Your New Continuous Electronic Radon Monitor: Reading Between the Lines

47 Scenery Hill Resident Urgest an Environment of Cooperation on Climate Change


Deadly Dangers from Confusion over Best Practices in Radon Testing

CR3 News


"2022 is not only

dedicated to survivors ...

but to surviving!!"


Black and Women's History Months

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CR3 News Magazine has now served the radon and lung cancer community for 5 years. The publication was founded by a lung cancer patient in 2017 and has now grown to become a primary information source for radon awareness. Citizens for Radioactive Radon Reduction (CR3) decided to publish a magazine dedicated to radon gas and its lung cancer affects as a result of a patient's frustration with trying to find information about andenocarcinoma. It was very quickly realized that the information was all over the web and a central publication was needed to provide patients with general information they could act upon. So, a publication was born called CR3 News Magazine which started out with 1700 readers as a free subscription publication and five years later has a readership of over 20,000. The publication is national and international serving the radon industry, health care, corporations and patients. Using her own money, a stellar publication was born!

With the foresight to see where the magazine market was heading, CR3 News Magazine was developed as an online publication that would attract all audiences with quality audio, video, graphics and articles regarding radon, lung cancer, social determinants of health and people from all walks of life. The hybrid approach offers a substantial amount of freely available content, but also a pay wall for certain features. Anybody who has watched the publication grow and evolve over those years can surely attest that the quality and depth of coverage has improved every single year during that time. We will continually work hard to improve our service to you in the years ahead.

Bearing that in mind, we are considering altering our subscription cost structure for CR3 News Magazine. We will offer monthly subscriptions for the first time at a rate of $15 per year. This plan will automatically renew each month, though you will be able to easily cancel it at any time. The auto-renewal will eliminate gaps in access to the site, and our new system will allow for instant processing of all subscriptions.

We want to extend a grace period out of loyalty to those users who have been so amazing to support us all of these years, so that is why we are asking you to answer the simple "one question" poll. It will help us to get a clear handle on a subscription rate. Don't worry, we do not sell any information taken from our polls.

We will use these additional funds to re-invest right back into our coverage to bring more informative, and comprehensive coverage of radon and the environmental health affects it can cause. We also have plans to add new features and web site capabilities to the benefit of our subscribers. We have already provided an app for mobile viewing and are working on a new web site.

Most importantly, we thank you all for your continued support. I hope you will be part of our community for many years to come. The support of your subscriptions will propel us forward to serve you better and hopefully encourage the growth of the publication for a new generation in the process!

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