CR3 News Magazine 2022 VOL 1: JANUARY -- NATIONAL RADON ACTION MONTH | Page 61

Back in the earlier days, about 1995 l recall, I was involved in "Workshops" on the 7th floor of the Rachel Carson Building, working as partners with the State. Our primary objective at that time was developing a "Builders System" which has now become ANSI/ AARST RRNC 2.0. It felt like a partnership because it was industry and government working together as a team, for the good of Pennsylvanians, and eventually the world. I have devoted almost my entire adult life to reducing radon induced lung cancer. ... 2017

His mission was to provide top quality Radon Mitigation systems to homeowners in the Lancaster and Lebanon area, creating a safer living environment.

Bauder Basement Systems was started in 1994 and Incorporated in 1999.

Jay F. Bauder

September 24, 2021

Thank you!

Jay F. Bauder

Jay served on the National Board of Directors of the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists.