Focusing on mitigation implicitly assumes there is time to conduct basic research to understand how the magnitude and pattern of risks could change at some future point, and then to use the insights generated to design, implement, and evaluate adaptation options. Key research needs to inform effective risk management include quantifying exposure-response relationships for the full range of climate-sensitive health outcomes; projecting risks at spatial and temporal scales useful for decision-making, under a range of climate and development scenarios; developing best practices for designing, implementing, and evaluating health interventions that benefit the most vulnerable over spatial and temporal scales; understanding limits to adaptation and the associated loss and damage; and estimating the health co-benefits of mitigation policies and technologies. Research needs to be conducted in the context of other drivers of climate-sensitive health outcomes, such as population growth and ageing, urbanization, and socioeconomic change. The research focus should be broad, include emerging issues and ensure systems-based approaches are used to further understanding of the complex dynamics, including synergies and trade-offs, within health systems and across other sectors. ... Biomedcentral
Emerging Issues &
Health Interventions