In June 2019, the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments (ANHE) launched the first of its kind Environmental Health Nurse Fellowship program to train nurses to work with communities in tackling serious environmental health threats, including toxic chemical pollution, water contamination, climate disruption and related health impacts, and more. Funded by the Kresge Foundation, the program has a particular focus on environmental health equity and justice and addressing the disproportionate impact of environmental exposures on vulnerable groups. Paired with expert environmental health nurse mentors, the fellows will conduct projects in their communities to address a community-identified environmental health need and build support for community-driven solutions. In addition, the fellows will work to educate health professionals and colleagues in their communities about environmental health, in order to expand knowledge and engagement of health professionals on critical environmental health issues. ANHE fellows and mentor are grouped by the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s ten regions.
The Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments’ mission is to promote healthy people and healthy environments by educating and leading the nursing profession, advancing research, incorporating evidence-based practice, and influencing policy. Formed in 2008, ANHE is the leading national voice for nurses on matters of environmental health. Our vision for the organization can be found here. This statement emphasizes that “ANHE’s environmental health work is rooted in scientific evidence and science, the imperative to do no harm, and commitment to diversity, inclusion, collaboration, equity and justice driven by compassion and human caring." We are a virtual organization and have staff members and volunteers around the country.
ANHE is seeking a motivated and passionate individual to assist with the organization's Environmental Health Nurse Fellowship program, a program to train nurses to work with communities in tackling serious environmental health threats, including toxic chemical pollution, water contamination, climate disruption and related health impacts, and more.
Position Description: The Fellowship Program Coordinator will work closely with the ANHE Director of Programs and Executive Director in the implementation of a second cohort of the Environmental Health Nurse Fellowship program.