CR3 News Magazine 2022 VOL 1: JANUARY -- NATIONAL RADON ACTION MONTH | Page 41

Your New Continuous
Electronic Radon Monitor : Reading Between the Lines by Peter C . Foller , Ph . D .

Your New Continuous

Electronic Radon Monitor : Reading Between the Lines by Peter C . Foller , Ph . D .

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that unnaturally concentrates in homes . Indoor / outdoor temperature / pressure differential effects draw the gas into homes from the soil below . The EPA believes radon causes 21,000 lung cancer deaths per year in the U . S . ( the second leading cause behind smoking ). This results in ~$ 10B / year of excess U . S . healthh care costss .
In response , people are increasingly taking a measure of control by purchasing continuous electronic radon monitors ( CRMs ). The EcoQube by
Ecosense , Inc . is a prime example . In 2021 , it was recognized by both Consumer Electronic Show ( CES Innovation Award 2021 Honoreee ) and TIME ( List of 100 Best Inventions of 2021 ) for raising awareness in the area of health and wellness . What people see with CRMs is both critically important and intriguing . Why all the ups and downs in radon levels ?