CR3 News Magazine 2022 VOL 1: JANUARY -- NATIONAL RADON ACTION MONTH | Page 39

... continued from page 11.

to monitor our indoor air quality. An excellent link for the danger on indoor cleaning products


We are having some successes: some cities and counties are attacking the use of toxic pesticides and fertilizers. Numerous ailments including malignant tumors have been attributed to exposure of these substances.

This research thesis from UCLA explores the relationship of indoor air quality and outdoor air which indicates the location of indoor structures can affect the indoor air quality as a result of exposure to pollutants or climatic atmosphere.

Our environment, whether indoor or outdoor, will continue to affect our health throughout the ages, and it is up to us what the outcome will be.


From the Director

Richard G. Portis

Pennsylvania Representative

401 W Commons Ste 312

Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Phone: ( 412) 478-1271

Email: [email protected]

Richard G. Portis is an exemplary leader and advocate of Veterans Employment/ Entrepreneur- ship Outreach & Training programs. His effective communication style and expertise in issue analysis and creative solution implementation are evident in his extensive experience as a project consultant in the government, corporate, and non-profit sectors.

Richard is a veteran liason with expertise in issue analysis and creative solution implementation. As the Director of XXI-C Industries, he brings 30 years of leadership experience, revenue generation, and innovative development strategies to benefit thousands of Pennsylvania veterans reentering the civilian workforce and becoming successful business owners.

