Cancer Association of South Africa ( CANSA )
Fact Sheet and Position Statement on Radon as a Cause of Lung Cancer
Introduction Radon gas is one of the most dangerous things individuals unknowingly expose themselves to every day . It forms from the natural decay of radioactive elements that exist in the earth ( usually Uranium 238 , Radium 235 , or Radium 234 ) and the various deep under homes and workplaces . It has no colour , odour , or taste , so one cannot detect it without a measurement device .
[ Picture Credit : Radon Picture ]
Radium has 33 known isotopes , with mass numbers from 202 to 234 . All of them are radioactive . Four of these :
Ra ( half-life 11.4 days ); 224 RA ( half-life 3.64 days ); 226Ra ( half-life 1 600 years ); and 228 Ra ( half-life 5.75 years ); occur naturally in the decay chains of primordial thorium-232 , uranium-235 , and uranium-238 ( 223 Ra from uranium-235 , 226 Ra from uranium-238 , and the other two from thorium-232 ).
Radon Radon is a noble gas which is naturally radioactive . Isotope 222 Rn decays with a half-life of 3.8 days to a series of radioactive daughter products which exist as respirable ( that can be inhaled ) sized particles . The particulate daughter products are electrically charged and easily attaches to the surfaces of the respiratory organs where they decay by alpha particle emissions , importing intensively ionising radiation to the immediate surrounding tissue .
Alpha rays cannot penetrate the outer layer of one ’ s skin and are , therefore , only a cause for concern if deposited inside the human body .
Eidy , M . & Tishkowski , K . 2020 . “ Radon is one of the main causes of lung cancer in non-smokers . It is estimated to cause around 21,000 deaths annually . It is a radioactive gas that is tasteless , odorless , and colorless . Naturally occurring in the environment , it is the decay product of uranium-238 and radium-226 . As an extremely dense and highly radioactive gas , it can damage the respiratory epithelium through the emission of alpha particles . It can be found in the soil , rocks , and ground throughout the world . It can exist in water supplies and can be entrapped in homes . It has a tendency to build-up in large quantities in areas with poor ventilation , and high levels can eventually cause health concerns . Recently , there has been a statistically significant linear relationship found with increased
Researched and Authored by Prof Michael C Herbst [ D Litt et Phil ( Health Studies ); D N Ed ; M Art et Scien ; B A Cur ; Dip Occupational Health ; Dip Genetic Counselling ; Dip Audiometry and Noise Measurement ; Diagnostic Radiographer ; Medical Ethicist ] Approved by Ms Elize Joubert , Chief Executive Officer [ BA Social Work ( cum laude ); MA Social Work ] July 2021 Page 1