CR3 News Magazine 2022 VOL 1: JANUARY -- NATIONAL RADON ACTION MONTH | Page 11


From the Director


We Are All On a New Journey ...

# f (eD) >>f (C,R,M)

We are all on a new journey—the year of 2022, exploring new paths, letting go of some of our old habits, and seeing with a new set of eyes. We have been called to take notice of what is around us--connecting with our earth and the world around us. Understanding that we are all intertwined with our experiences makes us aware of the universal wisdom that breathing is essential for life.

Building world communities of care will assist in reducing the greatest cancer killer of all—lung cancer—among other respiratory diseases. Knowledge of the dangerous environmental toxins in our indoor atmosphere helps us to take action and create healthier breathing in our living, working, and learning structures and facilities. Monitoring radon levels, humidity levels and other indoor pollutants including molds, and airborne dust concentrations can aid easier breathing. Combining and sharing knowledge and scientific research with open minds and eyes, we can transition from a polluting world society to a caring community for our peoples and our earth. It is not too late to make a difference.

Our modern building methods may be more prone to mold and radon because of tighter seals for energy saving attempts which makes it more difficult for water vapor and radon to escape. A common practice of improvement is the installation of radon resistant features (a passive radon system) at the time of construction or even better an active system to lower radon levels. Other practices could be using high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) vacuums with microfiltration bags to improve the process of filtering contaminants on carpets and indoor environments. COVID 19 has made us more aware of ventilation rates, airflow, pollutant pathways and monitoring of schools, hospitals, and all public buildings. New and improved devices are being utilized to monitor our indoor air quality. An excellent link for the danger on indoor cleaning products is We are having some successes: some cities and counties are attacking the use of toxic pesticides and fertilizers. Numerous ailments including malignant tumors have been attributed to exposure of these substances.

This research thesis from UCLA explores the relationship of indoor air quality and outdoor air which indicates the location of indoor structures can affect the indoor air quality as a result of exposure to pollutants or climatic atmosphere.

Our environment, whether indoor or outdoor, will continue to affect our health throughout the ages, and it is up to us what the outcome will be.

Our modern building methods may be more prone to mold and radon because of tighter seals for energy saving attempts which makes it more difficult for water vapor and radon to escape. A common practice of improvement is the installation of radon resistant features (a passive radon system) at the time of construction or even better an active system to lower radon levels. Other practices could be using high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) vacuums with microfiltration bags to improve the process of filtering contaminants on carpets and indoor environments. COVID 19 has made us more aware of ventilation rates, airflow, pollutant pathways and monitoring of schools, hospitals, and all public buildings. New and improved devices are being utilized to monitor our indoor air quality. An excellent link for the danger on indoor cleaning products

is We are having some successes: some cities and counties are attacking the use of toxic pesticides and fertilizers. Numerous ailments including malignant tumors have been attributed to exposure of these substances.

This research thesis from UCLA explores the relationship of indoor air quality and outdoor air which indicates the location of indoor structures can affect the indoor air quality as a result of exposure to pollutants or climatic atmosphere.

Our environment, whether indoor or outdoor, will continue to affect our health throughout the ages, and it is up to us what the outcome will be.


Continued on page 39.

The function of Early Detection (eD) could be greater than >> the function of (Chemotherapy, Radiation and Medication)