CR3 News Magazine 2021 VOL 5: NOV -- LUNG CANCER AWARENESS MONTH | Page 49

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There are not enough people telling their Radon-related Lung Cancer Stories !!!
Tell us your Radon and Lung Cancer experience and how you found radon on your property . Was it at home , the workplace or at school ? How did you find out about Radon ? Did you test ? What was the level ? These stories help and encourage others to do the simple and inexpensive test to find out if they are being exposed to high levels of radon gas and what can be done about it .

Tell Your Story and Save A Lifell Send your story to : lnfo @ cltlzens4radonreductlon . org and inspire others by sharing the story of how radon and lung cancer affected you or someone you love . D

Cru.:i<�s for Rad 0 ,1 cb > e Radon Reduc:ion . 018 Evansv, le An Wate1oo . IL 02298 US WMY C,1 :t zens4r ,a donreduct on org
6 / 15 / 2021 Page 2