CR3 News Magazine 2021 VOL 5: NOV -- LUNG CANCER AWARENESS MONTH | Page 36

free testing kits. Excellent resources for physicians and consumers interested in more information can be found at

Tobacco cessation and radon mitigation may never not off er the immediate gratifi cation of a major response to targeted agents or immunotherapy, but they are crucial to reducing the global public health risk of lung cancer and other related malignancies. ✦

About the Author: Dr. Arenberg is an Associate Professor of Medicine and Director of Lung Cancer Screening Program at University of Michigan Medical Center.


1. Ruano-Ravina A, Rodriguez MC, Cerdeira- Carames S, Barros-Dios JM. Residential radon and lung cancer. 

Epidemiology. 2009;20(1):155- 156


2. Thompson RE, Nelson DF, Popkin JH, Popkin Z. Case-control study of lung cancer risk from residential radon exposure in Worcester county, Massachusetts. 

Health Phys. 2008;94(3):228-241


3. Wilcox HB, Al-Zoughool M, Garner MJ, et al. Case-control study of radon and lung cancer in New Jersey. 

Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 2008;128(2):169-179


4. Neuberger JS, Gesell TF. Residential radon exposure and lung cancer: risk in nonsmokers. 

Health Physics. 2002;83(1):1-18


5. Gray A, Read S, McGale P, Darby S. Lung cancer deaths from indoor radon and the cost effectiveness and potential of policies to reduce them.  BMJ. 2009;338:a3110.


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Cartoonist: Marian Kamensky

Cartoonist: Gary Larson