CR3 News Magazine 2021 VOL 5: NOV -- LUNG CANCER AWARENESS MONTH | Page 17

The prevalence of lung cancer was 3.2 % and 2.0 % ( P < . 001 ) in participants with and without lung cancer family history , respectively . The prevalence of invasive lung cancer was 2.6 % and 1.6 %, respectively . The lung cancer risk increased with the number of first-degree relatives with lung cancer ( 0 = 2.0 %, 1 = 3.1 %, 2 = 4.0 %, 3 = 6.7 %, ≥ 4 = 9.1 %; P < . 001 ).
Dr . Yang noted that 96.5 % patients were stage 0 or 1 and potentially curable by surgery . The study also demonstrated the high risk of family history , especially among participants with a first-degree family history of lung cancer .
“ The study revealed that low-dose CT screening for lung cancer in never-smokers with high risk may be feasible , which is very important to all who are fighting against lung cancer , [ considering ] the increasing global threat for lung cancer in neversmokers . Most importantly , the study showed that family history of lung cancer may increase the risk of lung cancer ,” he added .
Next Steps
Dr . Yang said his team plans to develop a risk score predictor that includes family history and genetic and environmental factors for identification of high-risk populations who can benefit from low-dose CT screening . A standard screening protocol will be established , and Dr . Yang and his team will advise the authority to formally implement low-dose CT for lung cancer screening in Taiwan .
“ We hope the screening program can benefit patients suffering from lung cancer , especially in those countries with high incidence of lung cancer in never-smokers ,” he said .
Disclosure : For full disclosures of the study authors , visit wclc2020 . iaslc . org / disclosures .
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