CR3 News Magazine 2021 VOL 5: NOV -- LUNG CANCER AWARENESS MONTH | Page 15

Taiwanese TALENT Study Supports Effectiveness of Low-Dose CT for Lung Cancer in Certain Populations

By The ASCO Post Staff
Posted : 2 / 3 / 2021 2:39:00 PM Last Updated : 2 / 26 / 2021 4:13:00 PM
A study presented by researchers with the Ministry of Health and Welfare in Taiwan confirmed low-dose computed tomography ( CT ) screening may be feasible in a predefined , never-smoking , high-risk population . The research was presented at the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer ( IASLC ) 2020 World Conference on Lung Cancer ( WCLC ) Singapore , which was moved to a virtual format and held January 28 – 31 , 2021 , in light of the COVID-19 pandemic ( Abstract PS01.02 ).
In Taiwan , lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality , and 53 % of those who have died of lung cancer were never-smokers . The National Lung Cancer Screening Trial ( NLCST ) and NELSON trials demonstrated that the use of low-dose CT is effective for lung cancer screening ; however , most of the lung cancer screenings