Eco-Healthy Child Care ® helps early childhood learning environments to be as healthy , safe and green as possible by reducing children ’ s exposure to toxic chemicals .
Health Concerns �
Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers .
Radon is the leading environmental cause of lung cancer in America , claiming approximately 21,000 deaths per year .
Radon-related lung cancer is correlated with a person ’ s total lifelong exposure ; therefore , the longer you are exposed to radon , the greater your chance of developing radon-related lung cancer .
What Is Radon ?
Radon is an invisible radioactive gas that you can ’ t taste or smell ; therefore , it can only be detected through testing . It is produced by the natural breakdown of uranium in rock , soil , and water . Uranium is found soils worldwide , with some areas having higher concentrations than others .
Any building can have a radon problem . Radon gets into a building by moving up through the ground and then through cracks and holes in the foundation . Buildings can trap radon , which can lead to harmful concentrations indoors . It is imperative that each child care facility test their building for radon to be sure that children and staff are safe . The U . S . Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) recommends taking action to mitigate when radon levels are found to be 4 picocuries per liter ( pCi / L ) and greater .
Radon and Children
Children are more vulnerable to the effects of radon because :
� they have smaller lungs and therefore higher breathing rates ; they take in more air than adults do .
� they spend up to 70 % more time indoors than adults on average .
According to the EPA , a nationwide survey estimates that 1 in 5 schools has at least one schoolroom with a radon level that exceeds 4 pCi / L .
Reducing Your Exposure to Radon
The EPA and the office of the Surgeon General recommend that all homes [ child cares and schools ] be tested . If your average indoor radon level measures at or above 4 pCi / L , take action to reduce it .
Fixing buildings to reduce radon exposure may entail sealing cracks in the foundation , ventilating the area or depressurizing the soil .
How to Test for Radon
Common test kits are available at larger home improvement stores . They typically cost about $ 15 . Test kits also can be ordered from online retailers , as well as from the National Radon Program Services . Visit sosradon . org or call 1-800-SOS-RADON .
There are different kinds of test kits :
� charcoal canisters are used for short periods ( 2-7 days );
� an “ E-perm ” can be used for short or long-term periods ( 2 days to 12 months );
� alpha track detectors measure radon over 3 months to one year ;
� charcoal liquid scintillation devices measure radon for short periods ( 2-7 days ).
When using a radon test kit :
� Follow the directions of the kits closely since the length of time the kits can remain open varies .
� Always test during normal operating hours .
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