CR3 News Magazine 2021 VOL 3: MAY - MEDICAL ISSUE: SURVIVING | Page 79

Education �
Raise public awareness regarding sources of exposure to benzene and risk mitigation measures .
Conduct educational activities to discourage the use of benzene or petrol for cleaning and degreasing in industry and domestically .
1 . IARC ( 1987 ). Summaries & evaluations : Benzene ( Group 1 ). Lyon , International Agency for Research on Cancer , p . 120 ( IARC Monographs on the Carcinogenicity of Chemicals to Humans , Supplement 7 ; http :// www . inchem . org / documents / iarc / suppl7 / benzene . html ).
2 . IPCS ( 1993 ). Benzene . Geneva , World Health Organization , International Programme on Chemical Safety ( Environmental Health Criteria 150 ; http :// www . inchem . org / documents / ehc / ehc / ehc150 . htm ).
3 . IARC ( in preparation ). A review of human carcinogens . F . Chemical agents and related occupations . Lyon , International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans , Vol . 100 ) [ summary in Baan R et al . ( 2009 ). A review of human carcinogens — Part F : Chemical agents and related occupations . The Lancet Oncology , 10 ( 12 ): 1143 – 1144 ; http :// www . thelancet . com / journals / lanonc / article / PIIS1470- 2045 ( 09 ) 70358-4 / fulltext ].
4 . WHO ( 2000 ). Benzene . In : Air quality guidelines for Europe , 2nd ed . Copenhagen , World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe ( http :// www . euro . who . int /__ data / assets / pdf _ file / 0005 / 74732 / E71922 . pdf ).
5 . WHO ( 2003 ). Benzene in drinking-water . Background document for development of WHO Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality . Geneva , World Health Organization ( WHO / SDE / WSH / 03.04 / 24 ; http :// www . who . int / water _ sanitation _ health / dwq / benzene . pdf ).
6 . WHO ( 2008 ). Guidelines for drinking-water quality , 3rd edition incorporating 1st and 2nd addenda . Vol . 1 . Recommendations . Geneva , World Health Organization , pp . 312 – 313 ( http :// www . who . int / water _ sanitation _ health / dwq / chemicals / benzenesum . pdf ).
7 . IPCS ( 2004 ). Benzene . Geneva , World Health Organization , International Programme on Chemical Safety ( International Chemical Safety Card 0015 ; http :// www . inchem . org / documents / icsc / icsc / eics0015 . htm ).
8 . IPCS ( 1999 ). Benzene . Geneva , World Health Organization , International Programme on Chemical Safety ( Poisons Information Monograph 63 ; http :// www . inchem . org / documents / pims / chemical / pim063 . htm ).
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