CR3 News Magazine 2021 VOL 3: MAY - MEDICAL ISSUE: SURVIVING | Page 74

Environmental toxins include naturally occurring compounds such as: 1. lead; 2. mercury; 3. radon; 4. formaldehyde; 5. benzene; and 6. cadmium. They also include human-made chemicals like: 1. BPA; 2. phthalates; and 3. pesticides.In toxic doses, all of these compounds can negatively affect human health. 

Benzene vs Benzine

Benzene and benzine are very similarly spelled words. Both are hydrocarbons and nonpolar liquids. However, they have so many different chemical and physical properties.


Benzene is a colorless liquid with a sweet odor.  It is flammable and evaporates quickly when exposed. Benzene is used as a solvent, because it can dissolve a lot of non-polar compounds. However, benzene is slightly soluble in water.


Benzine is another name for petroleum ether. This is a mixture of hydrocarbon compounds. This is a liquid, which is highly flammable and volatile. Benzine is colorless. Benzine is a non-polar solvent. Though its name says ether, it doesn’t have compounds with ether linkages. Petroleum ether is produced during the petroleum refining process. Petroleum ether is the distillation product coming out between naphtha and kerosene.



[ˈbenˌzēn, benˈzēn]


a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum.