CR3 News Magazine 2020 VOL 5:Lung Cancer Awareness Month | Page 10

All volumes are published quarterly by Citizens for Radioactive Radon 618 Evansville Ave. Waterloo, IL 62298, a non-profit organization, with the express purpose to assist, encourage, and prepare the public in making a difference with awareness, education and action against radioactive radon gas exposure. • © Citizens for Radioactive Radon Reduction 2017 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Reproduction in whole or in part without the express written permission of the publisher is prohibited. • SUBSCRIPTION is free to all readers.

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CR3 News Magazine [CR3 News Magazine (Online) ISSN 2691-1116] | [CR3 News Magazine (Print) ISSN 2691-1086],

Aaron Fisher

Pennsylvania Representative

8969 Grady Drive

Brenigsville, PA 18031

Phone: (610) 392-07419

Email: [email protected]

Aaron L. Fisher is past President of SWAT Environmental of Pennsylvania, the state’s largest radon test and mitigation company. He is currently Director of Industry Relations for SWAT Group, Inc. as well as a member of the AARST/ANSI Mitigation Standards Committee. In addition he currently serves on the Pennsylvania DEP’s Radiation Protection Advisory Committee, advising the department on future regulatory actions.

Prior to joining the radon mitigation industry, Mr. Fisher had a successful 30+ year career in the electronics industry, having served in senior executive positions at Lucent Technologies as well as the CEO of T-Networks, a venture funded startup company which he sold in 2005. Mr. Fisher began his career at Bell Laboratories in 1980 where he designed microelectronic products for communications applications including the first tapeless answering machine and the processors used in the first digital cell phones.

Mr. Fisher has a BSEE from Purdue University and a MSEE from the University of California at Berkeley. He currently resides in Breinigsville, PA.