My name is Brooke Hanson. My father passed away from stomach cancer that went into his lungs.
I was sad for the victims and families. I was happy for all that you are doing, have done, and will do. Finally, I am excited that the awareness programs are all things I have dreamed of doing.
CDC worked with EPA to produce the booklet A Citizen’s Guide to Radon: The Guide to Protecting Yourself and Family from Radon pdf external icon. Over the years, federal, state, and local agencies have used this citizen’s guide to alert and to inform people about residential radon risks.
The publication includes information about the following:
• The Risks of Living with Radon
• Lowering Radon Levels in Your Home
• How to Test Your Home for Radon
• What your Test Results Mean
• Radon Myths
How a Radon Test Kit Works
When selecting a radon test kit, EPA recom-mends that you contact your state radon office external icon for help in finding the radon kit that would work best for your home. You can measure radon levels in your home in two ways: short-term testing and long-term testing.
• Short-term radon test kits stay in your home for 2 to 90 days. A short-term test will give you quicker results, but it won’t tell you what your radon levels are throughout the year because radon levels change over the course of the day, with seasons, and with weather changes. Experts recommend testing your home at least two different times to get a better idea of how much radon is in your home.
• Long-term radon test kits stay in your home longer than 90 days. These will give you a better idea of what your radon levels are year-round.
Please contact the EPA hotline at 1-800- 767-7236 for more information on short and long term test kits and how you can obtain a kit.
Brooke Hanson
Idaho Representative
PO Box 2575
Hayden, ID 83835
Phone: (208) 819-3629