CR3 is committed to providing education, awareness, and action on the danger of radioactive radon exposure —the leading environmental cause of cancer mortality. Increasing and unifying radon reduction advocates who have a mission of awareness and legislative change will help prevent future radon-induced lung cancer deaths.
CR3 has members on the national board of AARST, Heartland Chapter of AARST Board , MidWest AARST Chapter Board, TN Comprehensive Cancer Consortium Board
and more.
Jacquelyn Nixon
PA Chapter Advocate
Lung Cancer Survivor
"2020 is not only
dedicated to survivors ...
but to surviving!!"
On November 19, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln spoke at Gettysburg invoking the principles of human equality, a new birth of freedom, and preservation of our nation. On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr. gave a speech "I Have a Dream" at the Lincoln Memorial. Vision is the ability to see through the darkness of reality. Vision ignites potential as individuals hold the key to the future. Waking up from old patterns of mentality and ignorance can ultimately create tomorrow. Proverbs 29:18 indicates where there is no vision, the people fail.
Knowing why one is here is empowering and gives value. Jack Canfield, author of a YouTube video "Secret to Success" said you create your future by envisioning it. January, National Radon Action Month, has passed; but the threat of radon is still with us. In March of 2006, I had a vision that no one should be allowed to buy a house with high levels of radioactive radon gas after I discovered that my husband's death from lung cancer was likely caused by radioactive radon gas exposure in our home. There just had to be a law to prevent this.
When Jackie Nixon was told there was nothing she could do after she discovered that she was living in an environment with elevated levels of radon, she didn't listen. Jackie is now the publisher of "CR3 Radon News," a free electronic magazine in its fourth year with a circulation of over 13,000 in the U.S. and other countries, spreading the knowledge of the danger of radon gas exposure in homes, schools, and workplaces.
You will read of many such stories in our February issue of "CR3 Radon News" of people who are making a difference with their dreams and visions. Passion for radon reduction, environment preservation, lung cancer
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