CR3 News Magazine 2020 VOL 2: FEB-MAR Black & Women History Edition | Page 41

rather than single-use plastic containers, excellent public transportation, and dinners provided in appropriate sizes. Additionally 16-year-old Greta Thunberg, a climate activist in Sweden, was advancing her global climate activism. Because of Greta, children around the world are demanding we address climate justice. Greta’s address to the United Nations was so inspiring calling us to abandon hope and choose action Sweden (Greta Thunberg COP24 Speech). Greta Thunberg suggested that if adults do not want children missing school to protest, then adults should take on the protest mantle.

What does Greta’s charge have to do with school nursing, school health, practice and research? Everything!

Julia Muennich Cowell, PhD, RN, PHNA-BC, FAAN

Executive Editor, The Journal of School Nursing


Jones, S. E., Foster, S., Berens, A. S. (2019). Radon testing status in schools by radon zone and school location and demographic characteristics: United States, 2014. The Journal of School Nursing, 35, 442–448. doi:10.1177/105984051878441

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Mazer, M., Vann, J., Lamanna, D., Davison, J. (2014). Reducing children’s exposure to school bus diesel exhaust in one school district in North Carolina. The Journal of School Nursing, 30, 88–96. doi:10.1177/1059840513496429

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Nelson, L., Valle, J., King, G., Mills, P. K., Richardson, M. J., Roberts, E. M.…English, P . (2017). Estimating the proportion of childhood cancer cases and costs attributable to environment in California. American Journal of Public Health, 107, 756–762. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2017.303690, Google Scholar | Crossref | Medline


Watts, N., Adger, W., Agnolucci, P. E. (2015). Health and climate change: Policy responses to protect public health. The Lancet, 386, 1861–1914.

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of support to test "all" schools for radon gas.

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