I’ll bet you received a lot interest in Airwell after that.
After the airing, there was a lot of social media buzz, which helped promote our product on a wider scale.
What’s the future for this new technology?
We can see a lot of people moving to this technology. It is much less intrusive to the home, cost effective, and therefore providing piece of mind to families.
Safe, secure drinking water is vital for everyone. Thanks for helping educate us
on this modern approach to radon in water mitigation, Jamie. It’s saving lives across North America.
It feels good to know that a product that I helped to bring to the consumer is saving lives from a widely unknown silent killer.
There’s more good news.
Jamie and Rob MacKinnon, founders of Airwell Technologies, partnered just this year with Radon Environmental. Radon Environmental’s strategic investment and knowledge in all things radon means Airwell is going global. Greater water security is coming for everyone.
In case you missed Jamie on the full episode of Holmes and Holmes, watch an excerpt of the Airwell install video
on YouTube (2:11 minutes).
To find out more about Airwell, get in touch with DavidInnes, Director of Sales at Radon Environmental: [email protected]
Learn more, find Airwell case studies: www.radoncorp.com/airwell
Read Radon in Water: What you need
to know
Let’s talk on social media: @radoncorp