... continued from page ?? : From the Director
Offering radon awareness events in our local communities in the month of January and throughout the year, we distribute low-cost radon test kits.
Some of us have made presentations to public health college students and their professors about the importance of testing
for radon in homes, schools, and workplaces with mitigation if needed. For a few years participating in the Lung Cancer Awareness Event on November 1 at the National Press Club in DC gave us an opportunity to share our stories with others in the lung cancer community.
We have exhibited at national conferences such as APHA, NEHA, ASHI, and the International Radon Symposium. One of our goals is to get copies of “Reducing the Risk from Radon: Information and Interventions:
A Guide for Health Care Providers" to medical facilities and cancer centers, and family physicians. We have distributed approx-imately 2,000 and will continue with this mission.
Our current and newest initiative is intro-ducing our Teachers for Radon Reduction Campaign with the pilot project beginning in Pennsylvania which includes a unified effort through the cooperation and collaboration of organizations such as Women for Healthy Environment, PA Healthy Schools, PA Comprehensive Cancer Coalition and PA AARST chapter. We plan to spark the aware-ness of radon with our “Bark Side of Radon” flyers to schools and animal hospitals across the nation. Sponsorship for financial support for schools to be tested—money for test kits and training of school personnel—is certainly a critical element of this success; and we would appreciate your commitment to join and assist us with this effort.
That is who we are and what we do. Won’t you please join us!
One last word, Thank you to all of our members, representatives and sponsors.
Gloria Linnertz, Director
December 25, 2019
Citizens for Radioactive Radon Reduction
Citizens for Radioactive Radon Reduction carved a strong radon advocacy path in 2019 that will continue into the next year.
Our commitment to informing the public about the dangers of radon is the key to all of our efforts.
MOVES for Radon EJ - Test homes in low income communities.
Teachers for Radon Reduction - Bring teachers, parents, and others together in an effort to encourage radon testing in schools throughout the US.
The Bark Side Campaign - Promote homeowner radon testing through pet health.
National Awareness Partners - Increase the radon reach through collaboration.
2020 Initiatives