Lung Cancer Surviving Teachers Speak
About Radon Testing In Schools
"If we can get radon out of
our homes, we should get
it out of our schools.
Surely our kids and their
health are worthy of this
change. l am a middle
school principal who
believes that we need to
make this a law for the
sake of our children." -
Stephanie Langstraat
"These are our kids,
and parents are sending them to school assuming they're going to be in a safe environment," Gail Orcutt said. ”And so we just need to guarantee that.”
"You have no warning signs
that you're breathing in toxic
air," Annie Cacciato said.
"A place that I love is also
a place that poisoned me."
Debbie Greenman shared this fact on face book- ”An
elementary school student
that spends 8 hours per day
and 180 days per year in a
classroom with 4 pCi/L of
radon will receive nearly 10
times as much radiation as
the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission allows at the
edge of a nuclear power
plant." (Environmental
Protection Agency)
"For the safety of both our students and our teachers, all older schools need to be checked for radon and new schools under construction or being planned should be built to prevent the hazard of radon."
-- Kelly Shilliday, Cancer Survivor, former teacher.