CR3 News Magazine 2019 VOL 1: JANUARY National Radon Action Month | Page 39

- Radon : 20.4 x 10-6 mSv/(Bq•h/m3)

• 1 (WLM) = 6.37 x 105 Bq•h/m3 (Equilibrium equivalent Radon concentration)

• Dose Factor = 13 mSv/WLM

- Thoron : 120 x 10-6 mSv/(Bq•h/m3)

• 1 (WLM) = 4.68 x 104 Bq•h/m3 (Equilibrium equivalent Thoron concentration)

• Dose Factor = 5.6 mSv/WLM

▶ A Calculation that annual exposure dose by radon(Rn-222)(Bed)

ㅇ Scenario

- 10 Hour per day (3,650 Hour per day),

- Respiration rate in sleep: 37% of Light activity(1.2 m3/h).

▶ A Calculation that annual exposure dose by Thoron(Rn-220)

ㅇ Scenario : Same with Radon

Dispersal of Radon Emitting mattress

In South Korea, the government recalled the beds which are emitting radon. Using post offices with nationwide logistics network, the president took immediate action to recall

them. The amount of mattresses that the post office will recall is estimated to be about 60,000-80,000. The recalled mattresses were piled up in some harbor yards until solutions were figured out. But this was countered by local residents, so South Korea is currently in

the process of dismantling and incineration.


This issue occurring in Korea and Taiwan is because of lack of law and regulation of radioactive matter. The monazite minerals not only used in the bed. Almost all of the

products that were advertised as anion-emitting products without being supplied with

energy are emitted anions using minerals such as monazite. Such products include

bracelets, necklaces, pillows, and even underwear. It is best to regulate the use of

radioactive materials such as monazite in the country, and statistical and preemptive compensation should be made to the people who have suffered damage using these products.